Hi! So January has officially ended so it’s time for my wrap up! This year, I wanted to make my wrap ups slightly different from last year. I will still give the stats and short thoughts on all the books I read, but I will no longer include a TBR for the next month, as I never actually stuck to it. As well, I’ll be listing the genres of each book to give a bit more info on what it’s about. I thought at the end of the wrap up, I’d also discuss some non-book related things that I did/completed in the month, like tv shows, movies, or just life in general. If there’s anything else you’d like to see in these monthly posts, feel free to let me know and I’d be happy to include it!
Without further ado, lets get into the wrap up!
Reading Stats
Books Read: Five
Pages Read: 1,130
Longest Book: East of Eden (620 pages)
Shortest Book: Araby
Required Reading: The Catcher in the Rye, Paul’s Case, and Araby
East of Eden by John Steinbeck

I spent quite a while reading this one but it was so worth it. I absolutely loved the writing and family dynamics. It was fairly slow-paced but it worked well for the story. 5/5 stars.
The Grief We’re Given by William Bortz

This collection was absolutely mesmerizing! Bortz’s writing was both comforting and heart wrenching in the best possible way. I’ll be posting a full review for this in the coming days! 5/5 stars.
The Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger

Classics, Contemporary
This was a re-read for my literature class and once again I loved it. It is beautifully written and such an enjoyable and emotional read.
Araby by James Joyce

Classics, Short-Stories, Irish Literature
This was a required reading and I enjoyed it. The writing was enchanting and I’ll definitely be looking into more works by Joyce.
Paul’s Case by Willa Cather

Classics, Short-Stories
Another required reading, this story was intriguing and quite odd, but really well done.
So those are all the books I read this month! Life-wise, I had all my midterm exams last week, so I spent a lot of my time focusing on studying for those, so I’m pretty happy with everything else I was able to do.
Television-wise, I finished watching Dark, which is a German show about time-travel, and it was really good, but I was pretty confused the whole time because there is so much to keep track of.
I’ve also been catching up on Designated Survivor and just finished season two yesterday! This is one of my favorite shows and I’d highly recommend it, its only three seasons long, and while I wish there was more, I’m excited to see how it concludes.
More life/school wise, I’ve started using notion lately for keeping track of my work, blog posts, reading, and such, and I’ve been liking it a lot. The program took a bit to learn to navigate, I’d suggest watching some YouTube videos on it, because there’s a lot of features that are really useful that I was unfamiliar with for a while.
Since this has turned into a bit of a life update, I thought I would add a bit about the future. If you didn’t know, I’m a high school senior currently and am in the waiting process of college decisions, so I figured this year I would do some posts relating to that, like my thought on finishing high school, college app process, semester prep, and the like, so please let me know if there is anything else you’d be interested in seeing!